Below is just a small selection of resources and tools to help you and your organization with your own D&I strategies and planning around recruitment and building an inclusive workplace.
For additional resources, you can also check out CSU’s Office of Inclusive Excellence’s resource page, Continuing Education Page, or their Educate Yourself Blog. CSU’s Warner College of Natural Resources also has a great listing of diversity and inclusion resources found here. This site includes a book list, videos by Warner faculty, and many more resources.
As a note, The Career Center, nor CSU, manages, creates, approves or supports third party content. Many of the resources below come from a third-party producer and are intended to help employers begin conversations around diversity and inclusion. If you have resources to suggest, please contact Sam Boren.
Resources for Diversity Recruiting
Students perspectives on the importance of diversity in recruiting efforts
Trends and benchmarks in college recruiting efforts around diversity
List of associations for diverse talent sourcing and recruiting
Diversity Inc Best Practices is a subscription website that offers insights, best practices and case studies on diversity and inclusion management. Corporations, nonprofits, academia and government/military organizations utilize content on the website to help evolve and gain support for their workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Inclusion Clearinghouse diversity reports by industry, states, population, etc.
Social Justice
Workplace cultures
JobStars – List of Diversity Professional Associations and Organizations
Social Justice in Action: 100 Key Websites and Organizations
National Consultants
Colorado Consultants
Janet Stovall TED Talk – How to Get Serious About Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Lucinda Beaman TED Talk – What does it take to change a mind?
Sometimes You’re a Caterpillar – A story about privilege
Engaged Employer Series-Upcoming Sessions and Recorded Content
Book List
Forbes – 10 Books to Help you Foster a More Diverse and Inclusive Workplace
Business Insider – 17 books all managers who want to build diverse and happy teams should order right now
Resources for Special Populations – for a complete listing of resources and articles provided by NACE on various special populations, visit their website.
Identity based:
LGBTQ+ This comprehensive resource not only provides support for our students, but provides resources and tools for employers to better recruit and retain this population. Additional information on the use of Pronouns
International students Learn how you can recruit and hire our talented international student population through the OPT and CPT programs that come at NO cost to employers
People with physical disabilities NACE provides key strategies for boosting disability recruiting
Neurodiversity in the Modern Workplace This article provides an overview of the benefits and barriers of a neurodiverse workforce, as well as guidance on supporting neurodiverse employees
Gender: Equal opportunity, unequal outcomes: exploring gender inequality in post-college career outcome
Veterans: A Guide to Veteran Hiring. A Q&A with Justin Constantine by SHRM
Formerly Incarcerated: This resource includes a talent bank, employment solutions, and a ready, set, go training method that helps organizations begin the recruitment, hiring and retention methods of formerly incarcerated persons.